"Age is a question of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter."---- Satchel Paige Quoted from Baseball's Greatest Quotations by
Paul Dickson.
"We all have to play the ball as it lies." Bobby Jones responding to a question about his crippling disease later in life.
The Bobby Jones Website
"I'm like a duck: calm above water, but paddling like hell underneath."
---- Fred Shero NHL coach, general manager
Great Quotes from Great Sports Heroes compiled by Peggy Anderson
Career Press (1997)
"Today as I look back on that opening game of my first world series, I must tell you that it was Mr. Rickey's drama and that I was only a principal actor. As I write this twenty years later, I cannot stand and sing the anthem. I cannot salute the flag; I know that I am a black man in a white world. In 1972, in 1947, at my birth in 1919, I know that I never had it made."---- Jackie Robinson
Jackie Robinson's autobiography, I Never Had It Made.
"A champion is afraid of losing. Everyone else is afraid of winning."
---- Billie Jean King Tennis Pro
Great Quotes from Great Sports Heroes compiled by Peggy Anderson
Career Press (1997)
"That man was so fast he could turn out the light and jump in bed before the room got dark."---- Satchel Paige -On Cool Papa Bell reported by Bob Broeg in his Sporting News Column, May 26 1973.
"Jim Thorpe was probably the greatest natural athlete the world has seen in modern times."
The New York Times Book of Sports Legends(1991) edited by Joseph Vecchione.
"The only way I'd worry about the weather is if it snows on our side of the field and not theirs."---- Tommy Lasorda Major League manager
Great Quotes from Great Sports Heroes compiled by Peggy Anderson
Career Press (1997)
"One might as well attempt to describe the smoothness of the wind as to paint a clear picture of his complete swing."---- Grantland Rice on Bobby Jones' swing.
Bobby Jones Website
"All this comin' and goin'. Rookies flyin' up the road and old-timers flyin' down, and nobody in between but me an' old John Mize, standin' pat, watchin' 'em go by.
"And I ain't even sure about ol' John. Maybe he's flyin' on, too. If he is, I can always watch 'em go by myself. Time ain't gonna mess with me!"---- Satchel Paige
Collier's, June 13, 1953.
"I really don't like talking about money. All I can say is that the Good Lord must have wanted me to have it."
---- Larry Bird Basketball Great
Great Quotes from Great Sports Heroes compiled by Peggy Anderson Career Press (1997)
"A team in an ordinary frame of mind will do ordinary things. In the proper emotional stage, a team will do extraordinary things. To reach this stage, a team must have a motive that has an extraordinary appeal to them."
---- Knute Rockne 1888-1931
Champions of American Sport edited by Marc Pachter(1981)
"Drive for show. But putt for dough."
---- Bobby Locke PGA Golfer
Great Quotes from Great Sports Heroes compiled by Peggy Anderson Career Press (1997)
"Thinking about the things that happened, I don't know any other ball player who could have done what he did. To be able to hit with everybody yelling at him. He had to block all that out, block out everything but this ball that is coming in at a hundred miles an hour and he's got a split second to make up his mind if it's in or out or up or down or coming at his head, a split second to swing. To do what he did has got to be the most tremendous thing I've ever seen in sports."---- Reese, Harold "Pee Wee"
On Jackie Robinson in an 1970 interview quoted by Roger Kahn in The Boys of Summer.
"It got so I could nip frosting off a cake with my fastball."---- Satchel Paige Quoted from Maybe I'll Pitch Forever by Satchel Paige.
"If you are caught on a golf course during a storm and are afraid of lightning, holdup a one-iron. Not even God can hit a one-iron."---- Lee Trevino Great Quotes from Great Sports Heroes compiled by Peggy Anderson Career Press (1997)
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